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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of active ATP synthases per mitochondrion Algae Ochromonas sp. 1000 - 5000 ATP synthases/mitochondrion 117336 Peyman Fahimi and Ch ́erif...
ATP requirement for biosynthesis during bacterial growth Various Table - link N/A 104433 Thauer RK, Jungermann K...
ATP that could be produced via mitochondrial respiration Sunflower Helianthus annuus 3708 nmol ATP/h/embryo 108769 Alonso AP, Goffman FD...
Growth rate-dependent ATP requirements (GAR), and the intercept the non-growth rate dependent ATP requirement (NGAR) Bacteria Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 NGAR 1.03 mmol mmol ATP/(g AFDW×h) GAR 220.22 mmol ATP/g AFDW N/A 111303 Pinchuk et al., Cons...
Fraction of total respiration rate that is due to unidentified ATP consumers Rat Rattus norvegicus 5.7 (Table - link) % of total respiration rate 116170 Buttgereit F, Brand MD....
Rate of ATP production Rat Rattus norvegicus 7.05E-19 (Table - link) mol ATP/mitochondria/sec 107137 Schwerzmann K, Cruz-Orive LM...
Rate of ATP passage in voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) in the absence of a membrane potential in vitro Mitochondria millions (of) ATP/sec 116550 Choudhary OP, Paz A,...
Complete oxidation of 1 mol of glucose, glycerol and acetate leads to a theoretical maximum yield of ATP of Bacteria Escherichia coli 1 mol glucose 26mol ATP: 1 mol glycerol 15mol ATP: 1 mol acetate 7mol ATP mol ATP 114969 Kaleta C, Schäuble S...
Km of phosphofructokinase-2 for ATP Bacteria Escherichia coli 42 µM 104957 Baez M, Rodríguez PH...
Percentage of ATP produced that is used for biomass production Sunflower Helianthus annuus ~11 % 108773 Alonso AP, Goffman FD...
ATP production rate during mid exponential growth in silico Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae ~60,000 ATP molecules/cell/sec 115488 Wodke JA et al., Dissecting...
Fraction of minimal theoretical ATP requirement consumed by translation Unspecified >70 % 111918 Pontes MH, Sevostyanova A...
Stoichiometry of CF(O) CF(1)-ATP synthetase in mesophilic strains Cyanobacteria 14 proton conducting subunits : 3 adenine nucleotide binding subunits N/A 105042 John A. Raven Functional...
Stoichiometry of CF(O) CF(1)-ATP synthetase in thermophilic strains Cyanobacteria 13 proton conducting subunits : 3 adenine nucleotide binding subunits N/A 105043 John A. Raven Functional...
Fraction of genome occupied by ATP-binding cassette (ABC) members Bacteria Escherichia coli 5 % 106348 Cui J, Qasim S, Davidson...
Fraction of total ATP turnover that is ATP consumption to maintain protein levels in the absence of growth in vitro Mammals in isolated rabbit reticulocytes 50%: in cultured mice ascites tumour cells 36% % 113243 Brown GC. Total cell...
P/O ratio (ATP made per O atom reduced) Bacteria Escherichia coli non-energy linked activity of NADH dehydrogenase (ndh) 0.667: energy linked activity of ndh 1.33 unitless 113250 Varma, Amit, Palsson...
Fraction of whole body basal metabolic rate (BMR) that is ATP consumption to maintain protein levels in the absence of growth in vivo Mammals ~20 % 113244 Brown GC. Total cell...
kcat of p38α (MAPK14) protein kinase for ATP hydrolysis Bacteria Escherichia coli 0.562 (±0.007) sec^-1 110567 Zhang YY, Mei ZQ, Wu JW...
P/O ratio (ATP made per O atom reduced) for FADH2 Unspecified 2 unitless 110629 Denise R. Ferrier, B...